Avengers Assemble Vol 2 #4 Cover C Variant Lucas Werneck Stormbreakers Cover (Limit 1 Per Customer) - Midtown Comics

Avengers Assemble Vol 2 #4

Cover C Variant Lucas Werneck Stormbreakers Cover (Limit 1 Per Customer)

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Victor Von Doom has withdrawn to Latveria after a massive power grab, and the only person who may have a clue what he's planning is his former herald, Victorious.

When she flies into a rage at the Latverian border, endangering nearby towns, She-Hulk leads a team to contain her and find out what she knows. But does Victorious have any answers, or is Doom's plan a mystery even to his most loyal soldier?


Item #: 2364539 Diamond code: SEP240978 UPC: 75960621022000431

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