Judge Dredd Megazine #474 - Midtown Comics

Judge Dredd Megazine #474

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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More action and adventure in the future-shocked world of Judge Dredd! A psi enters Judge Dredd's mind in "Memory Lane" by Mike Carroll & Nick Percival; Lawson and Pettifer reconnect in Lawless, courtesy of Dan Abnett & Phil Winslade; Devlin Waugh's holiday takes a sinister turn in "Two Months Off" by Ales Kot & PJ Holden; Goya tries to find refuge in Death Cap: Frontier Justice by T.C. Eglington & Boo Cook; and Fargo & McBane are targeted by the Mob in "New York's Finest" by Ken Niemand & Anna Readman. Plus features, interviews and lots more!

Item #: 2365020 Diamond code: SEP241973 UPC: 977096018119474

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