Thundercats Cheetara #5 Cover A Regular Soo Lee Cover - Midtown Comics

Thundercats Cheetara #5

Cover A Regular Soo Lee Cover

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With her visions of a potential apocalypse becoming ever clearer as the years wear on, Cheetara sets herself to preparing with Jaga as best they can for the challenges that lie ahead all the while knowing that the ultimate hope of Thundera and the destiny of its young leader-in-waiting depend on her.
Multitalented storyteller SOO LEE and artist DOMENICO CARBONE close out their unpar- alleled exploration of Thundera's legacy with ThunderCats: Cheetara #5 memorialized with carefully crafted covers from LEE, LESLEY "LEIRIX" LI, EDWIN GALMON, and CAT STAGGS!

Item #: 2365360 Diamond code: SEP240315 UPC: 72513034662905011

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