Marvel Masterworks Vision And The Scarlet Witch Vol 1 HC Regular Dust Jacket - Midtown Comics
Marvel Masterworks Vision And The Scarlet Witch Vol 1 HC Regular Dust Jacket
Marvel Masterworks Vision And The Scarlet Witch Vol 1 HC Regular Dust Jacket

Marvel Masterworks Vision And The Scarlet Witch Vol 1 HC Regular Dust Jacket

Marvel Masterworks Vision And The Scarlet Witch Vol 1 HC Regular Dust Jacket

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Written by

Art by

These comics laid the groundwork for and the upcoming !

Written by Steve Englehart, Mike W. Barr, Roger McKenzie, Michael Higgins, Bill Mantlo, Dennis Mallonee and Richard Howell
Pencilled by Richard Howell, Al Milgrom, Sandy Plunkett, Rick Leonardi, Paul Smith, Ron Wilson, Mike Mignola and John Ridgway

The Marvel Masterworks are proud to present a massive volume collecting the adventures of the Avengers icons Vision and the Scarlet Witch! We're including not just the 1985 maxiseries that went on to inspire , but also rare, never-before-reprinted stories that chronicle the couples' search for acceptance.

With rich storytelling and vibrant artwork, these tales explore themes of love, duty and identity - showcasing the enduring bond between the two iconic characters. The Vision's origins are explored, while the Scarlet Witch expands her powers in new and sometimes shocking ways. But Wanda's brother Quicksilver's prejudice risks splitting their family apart.

Will his choices set him on a dark path? And with Wanda's mystic pregnancy nearing term, what will Magneto's return mean for the mother-to-be?

Collecting (1985) #1-12; (1985) #2 and material from (1982) #6, #14, #32, #48 and #58; (1990) #10; SOLO AVENGERS #5 and #3.


Item #: 2365384 Diamond code: SEP240945 ISBN: 9781302962210

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