Comic Book Creator #37 - Midtown Comics
Comic Book Creator #37
Comic Book Creator #37

Comic Book Creator #37

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Steve Englehart is spotlighted in a comprehensive, career-spanning interview, with emphasis on his glorious '70s work as top comics writer. Plus, with the help of former DC Comics' romance editor Barbara Friedlander, we redeem the once sullied name of her mentor, the late, great DC editor Jack Miller, whose career was bought to an ignominious end by company management while he suffered a fatal malady. Also, Dan Didio shares about his entry as DC exec to become the company's co-publisher in the second portion of Greg Biga's interview with the writer extraordinaire. We also conclude our 100th birthday celebration for Arnold Drake with the final portion of an amazing conversation with the brilliant late scribe, examining his creation of The Doom Patrol and work on The X-Men!

Item #: 2366442 Diamond code: SEP242100 UPC: 182658005559

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