Thundercats Vol 3 #10 Cover L Incentive David Nakayama Foil Virgin Cover - Midtown Comics

Thundercats Vol 3 #10

Cover L Incentive David Nakayama Foil Virgin Cover

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Available in Multiple Covers

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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In this special standalone issue, the perspective shifts from the besieged ThunderCats to the attacking Mu'Tants. In the quiet before the assault seen in issue #9, Slithe thinks back over his old life on Plun'Darr, and how his world was shattered by the Great War with Thundera. But even as he readies his forces, other eyes are upon him unsuspected watchers who are neither Thunderan nor Mu Tant!
Acclaimed author DECLAN SHALVEY is joined by guest artist JOE MULVEY for this thoughtful tale of adversaries and loss, complemented by captivating covers from SHALVEY, DAVID NAKAYAMA, LUCIO PARRILLO, JAE LEE & JUNE CHUNG, and RAHZZAH!

Item #: 2366604 Diamond code: SEP240309 UPC: 72513034116710121

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