Power Fantasy #1 Cover I 3rd Ptg B Incentive Caspar Wijngaard Foil Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Power Fantasy #1

Cover I 3rd Ptg B Incentive Caspar Wijngaard Foil Variant Cover

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Series Premiere. "Superpowered." You have certain preconceptions. They're incorrect. Here, that word has a specific technical definition. Namely, "any individual with the destructive capacity of the nuclear arsenal of the USA." There are six such people on Earth. The planet's survival relies on them never coming into conflict. Come dance to the ticking of the doomsday clock with Kieron Gillen (The Wicked + the Divine, Die) and Caspar Wijngaard (Home Sick Pilots, All Against All). The eternal fight against fighting starts now.

Item #: 2368450 Diamond code: JUL248550/0524IM937 UPC: 70985304061300123

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