NYX Vol 2 #7 Cover A Regular Sara Pichelli Cover - Midtown Comics

NYX Vol 2 #7

Cover A Regular Sara Pichelli Cover

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"I've seen what you're building, Prodigy. And I don't think you have any idea how dangerous it is. Ms. Marvel trusts you, but you're helping her perpetuate a lie.

Sophie trusts you, but you're absolving her of her crimes.

Wolverine trusts you, but you're asking her to indulge her violence.

Anole trusts you, but he's the only one of you holding to the old ways.

So I'll make this easy. I'll do it in a language we both understand. My name is Synch. And I challenge you to a battle to the death. I challenge you to the CIRCLE PERILOUS."


Item #: 2373134 Diamond code: OCT240909 UPC: 75960620918700711

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