Hello Darkness #6 Cover A Regular Paolo Rivera Cover - Midtown Comics

Hello Darkness #6

Cover A Regular Paolo Rivera Cover

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Ho-Ho-Horror for the holidays! Better hope your candles and bulbs all hold to keep the darkness at bay... because you won't like what goes bump in the cold winter's night!

In this holiday season issue, John Arcudi and Ryan Sook's "The Written Word" unearths a once-dormant evil from an ancient text, while "The War" continues with part six of Garth Ennis and Becky Cloonan's nuclear winter saga.

Plus, discover the next chapters in "Something is Killing the Children: A Monster Hunter Walks into a Bar" by James Tynion IV and Werther Dell'Edera "I Can't Take You Anywhere" by Robert Hack, and more!

Item #: 2373470 Diamond code: OCT240065 UPC: 84428401112906011

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