Macanudo The Way Of The Penguin HC - Midtown Comics
Macanudo The Way Of The Penguin HC
Macanudo The Way Of The Penguin HC

Macanudo The Way Of The Penguin HC

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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The third collection of the English-language run of the internationally beloved newspaper strip. For lovers of Mutts, Krazy Kat and Calvin & Hobbes.

Children reading to cats, penguins imagining the impossibility of alien life not including them, imaginary friends romping in the forest, horror-movie characters looking for friends, cartoons experiencing the awkwardness of zoom calls, witches frustrated over a Netflix lag on their crystal balls...

Liniers mixes his repertory cast of fantasy and child characters with one-offs to express whatever happens to be on his mind that day. While the touches of real life are always intermixed among his whimsical world, the spirit of imagination and love of nature only becomes more heightened in many of these strips which run from early 2020 into 2021. Handsome, landscape-format hardcovers with debossed covers showcase Liniers' beautiful, full-color cartooning in the way it deserves. The influence of Krazy Kat and Mutts extends beyond the tone, charm, and humanity of the content to formal playfulness, and these books are the best way to appreciate the full range of the work.

Item #: 2373875 Diamond code: OCT241612 ISBN: 9781683969976

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