Absolute Batman #4 Cover C Variant Francesco Francavilla Card Stock Cover (DC All In) - Midtown Comics

Absolute Batman #4

Cover C Variant Francesco Francavilla Card Stock Cover (DC All In)

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Absolute Batman has established himself as an extremely large force to be reckoned with.

But how did he get to this point? How did he push himself? And how did the tragic events of his childhood, and the advice of his father, shape the man who he became...literally?

Guest artist Gabriel Walta joins for this essential origin issue of Absolute Batman to explore Bruce Wayne's past, and his inevitable future to go BIGGER. Don't miss this pivotal issue!

Item #: 2382486 Diamond code: UCS24110019/1124DC019 UPC: 76194138584600431

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