New Gods Vol 5 #2 Cover D Variant Evan Cagle Birth Of A New God Acetate Cover (DC All In) - Midtown Comics

New Gods Vol 5 #2

Cover D Variant Evan Cagle Birth Of A New God Acetate Cover (DC All In)

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Mr. Miracle has found himself at a crossroads. Presented with a terrible choice by his brother Orion, he must decide between venturing out to save a child he has never met--a new god made manifest--or stay home to raise a child of his own.

Meanwhile, an evil awakens, driven mad by an obsession with a dead god, and sets its sights on this same child. Several forces, of good and of evil, converge on this child as his latent powers begin to reveal themselves to the world.

And while these dramas play out on Earth, the forces of an intergalactic inquisition march ever closer...

Item #: 2382522 Diamond code: UCS24110055/1124DC055 UPC: 76194138623200241

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