Batman Detective Comics (2022) Vol 5 Gotham Nocturne Act III TP - Midtown Comics
Batman Detective Comics (2022) Vol 5 Gotham Nocturne Act III TP
Batman Detective Comics (2022) Vol 5 Gotham Nocturne Act III TP

Batman Detective Comics (2022) Vol 5 Gotham Nocturne Act III TP

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


The malevolent Orgham family - having driven Batman away - have used their Reality Engine to make Gotham City forget the Dark Knight ever existed! When Batman's journey ends, he'll find a very different Gotham and be faced with a surprising choice as Gotham City teeters between utopia and Armageddon!

Writer Ram V.'s unforgettable run ends here in this collection of DETECTIVE COMICS #1081-1089.

Item #: 2382677 Diamond code: UCS24110210/1124DC210 ISBN: 9781799500728

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