What If Galactus Transformed Spider-Gwen #1 (One Shot) Cover B Variant Stephen Segovia Sci-Fi Homage Cover - Midtown Comics

What If Galactus Transformed Spider-Gwen #1

(One Shot) Cover B Variant Stephen Segovia Sci-Fi Homage Cover

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After coming to the aid of a wounded herald of Galactus, SPIDER-GWEN is empowered and enlisted in the service of the World-Devourer! But despite her new role surveying the galaxy, Gwen can't help her heroic streak. So when she encounters a world reminiscent of her home, will she ally with its alien residents and attempt to battle one of the cosmos' greatest forces?!


Item #: 2384342 Diamond code: NOV240628 UPC: 75960621164700121

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