My Little Pony Rise Of Cadance #1 (One Shot) Cover A Regular Natalie Haines Cover - Midtown Comics

My Little Pony Rise Of Cadance #1

(One Shot) Cover A Regular Natalie Haines Cover

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Behold! An answer to one of the major questions remaining from Friendship Is Magic: How did Princess Cadance become an Alicorn? The beloved Alicorn may seem like she was born to rule the Crystal Empire, but pick up this book to see how she earned her place as one of Equestria's most notable figures! Join us for a deep dive into the origin of Cadance and discover how she was transformed from a Pegasus into the princess of love and light we know today.

Item #: 2384743 Diamond code: NOV241100 UPC: 82771403382300111

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