Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Nation #4 Cover B Variant Vincenzo Federici Cover - Midtown Comics

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Nation #4

Cover B Variant Vincenzo Federici Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Raphael's diversion turned rescue mission has erupted into a fight for survival! As he rallies to free his friends and forge a safe exit from the restricted stronghold, Metalhead goes deeper and makes a final stride toward his target. Can Raph still stop him from securing the secrets of this dimension, or will Metalhead make a supernatural escape?Join writer Tom Waltz and artist Vincenzo Federici for their white-knuckle conclusion to "Ambush at Area 51"!
Then, in the final chapter of Erik Burnham and Mateus Santolouco's "Casey Jones: Agent of the Foot Clan," Casey and Karai meet for a devastating showdown that will set the tone for the tale to come in the TMNT ongoing!

Item #: 2384757 Diamond code: NOV241127 UPC: 82771403339700421

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