Spectacular Spider-Men Vol 2 Elementary TP - Midtown Comics
Spectacular Spider-Men Vol 2 Elementary TP
Spectacular Spider-Men Vol 2 Elementary TP

Spectacular Spider-Men Vol 2 Elementary TP

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Continuing the team-up adventures of Peter Parker and Miles Morales!

The trap set by Arcade, Mentallo and their mysterious benefactor closes on our two Spider-Men! Things already looked bleak - and when you meet the newest deadly Spider-Villain on the block, we may have to turn our title from plural to singular!

The battle of the Spider-Men comes to an end, but now Peter and Miles are face to face with the makers of the Arcadium and the people who hired them. If you think there weren't any twists left, meet Knaive - a truly terrifying new addition to the Spiders' rogues' gallery!



Item #: 2384856 Diamond code: NOV240753 ISBN: 9781302955960

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