Sandman Vol 2 #8 Facsimile Edition Cover D DF Foil Variant Cover CGC Graded 9.6 Or Higher - Midtown Comics

Sandman Vol 2 #8

Facsimile Edition Cover D DF Foil Variant Cover CGC Graded 9.6 Or Higher

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Morpheus having completed his quest for his artifacts seems lost and without purpose, until he receives a visit from his big sister, Death. Accompanying Death for the day revitalises Dream and renews his sense of purpose. #02 on Wizard Magazine's "100 Best Single-Issue Comics Since You Were Born" list. CGC GRADED 9.6 OR HIGHER!

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Item #: 2403325 Diamond code: JAN251644 UPC: 725130354358

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