Metamorpho The Element Man #4 Cover B Variant Tyler Crook Card Stock Cover (DC All In) - Midtown Comics

Metamorpho The Element Man #4

Cover B Variant Tyler Crook Card Stock Cover (DC All In)

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Who could ever replace the merely magnificent Metamorpho?
The billion-dollar brain of Simon Stagg has the answer--and it's not a's a where! After all, why recruit a fab freak to protect Stagg HQ when you can bring the whole building to life to protect itself? Genius, you say?

Consider this, Metamaniacs--if office buildings could talk, wouldn't they have something to say? Something like..."Die, humans, die," perhaps?

The New Age of Metamorpho becomes the new age of contentious urban planning--as only Al Ewing and Steve Lieber could envision it!

Item #: 2403935 Diamond code: UCS25010189/0125DC189 UPC: 76194138620100421

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