Valiant Beyond All-New Harbinger #2 Cover C Variant Federica Croci Cover - Midtown Comics


Written by

(W) Fred Van Lente (A) Antonio Di Caprio (CA) Federicia Croci

JUMP ON BOARD FOR THE SECOND ISSUE OF ALL-NEW HARBINGER WITH 'MR. VALIANT' FRED VAN LENTE AND ARTIST ANTONIO DI CAPRIO! After the shocking events of the first issue, newly-minted Zero Academy graduate CiCi arrives for her first mission with the Harbinger team only to find them battered and bloody! It's up to her to stand alone against Black Sheep, the raging anti-psiot terrorist who wants to tear the lid off the 'utopia' of Foundation City - no matter how many people they have to kill to do it! Welcome to the All-New Harbingers, CiCi, hope you survive the experience!

Item #: 2421671 Diamond code: MAR251001 UPC: 73238818204600231

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