Wha Huh - Midtown Comics

Wha Huh

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Because clearly Bendis doesn't have enough books to write this month, the big baby bullied Marvel's upper management into green-lighting this ridiculous pile of silly nonsense! In the great tradition of NOT BRAND ECHH and the old humor issues of WHAT IF?, WHA...HUH? asks the questions that no one really cares about...

What if the Identity Crisis happened in the Marvel Universe?
What if Modok had an itch?
What if we actually release this book?

Bendis reteams with hilarious Clerks artist Jim Mahfood and all the best Marvel scribes — Mark Millar, JMS, Garth Ennis and a ton of others — to make the dumbest comic published this year. No one is safe!

This comic WILL NOT feature seventeen variant covers of Wolverine.

Item #: 35851

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