Zombie Tales The Dead #1 - Midtown Comics

Zombie Tales The Dead #1

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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The best-selling horror anthology returns! The team is back again with more self-contained stories! Keith Giffen leads a team of accomplished returning creators: screenwriter John Rogers (Global Frequency), TV producer and writer Andrew Cosby (Dark Horse's Damn Nation, Sci-Fi Network's Eureka), Comic Book Resources columnist Johanna Stokes, War of the Worlds: Second Wave writer Michael Alan Nelson, and new addition: novelist Jim Pascoe (By the Balls, Five Shots and a Funeral)! Also featuring a cover by 100 Bullets cover artist Dave Johnson, interior art by Lee (Legion of Super-Heroes) Moder, Don (Megaton Man) Simpson, Jeff (Cybernary, Hulk) Rebner, and Fabio (Smoke and Guns) Moon!

Item #: 42514

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