Comics Journal #283 - Midtown Comics
Comics Journal #283
Comics Journal #283

Comics Journal #283

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


L'Association co-founder and prolific cartoonist Lewis Trondheim talks about the wry sword-and-sorcery mega-epic Donjon, his autobio comics, McConey and his "retirement." PictureBox publisher Dan Nadel queries art-comics (Wonderfool World) creator and fine artist David Sandlin on his pieces in Raw, as well as the eerie Swamp Preacher, which ties into the larger world of his Blab! anthology-and-storybook work. Our color comics section turns up a 1950 comics adaptation of John Buchan's The Thirty-Nine Steps by Dick Davis and Jim Lavery. Plus! Profound columns, sharp reviews and a whole lot more by the comics medium's smartest critics and historians.

Item #: 816747 Diamond code: FEB073453

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