Playboy magazine Aug 2007 Featuring Garcelle Beauvais - Midtown Comics
Playboy magazine Aug 2007 Featuring Garcelle Beauvais
Playboy magazine Aug 2007 Featuring Garcelle Beauvais

Playboy magazine Aug 2007 Featuring Garcelle Beauvais

Playboy magazine Aug 2007 Featuring Garcelle Beauvais

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Cover: Actress Garcelle Beauvais
Playmate: Tamara Sky
Interview: Chris Tucker
20 Questions: Paul Rudd Larter

Features: Building the Perfect President (CBS News' senior political correspondent cherry-picks a set of vital virtues from a group of unconventional exemplars); Entertaining the Future (After the next decade's worth of changes, your iPod will seem like a Victrola as the world of entertainment will fit in your pocket, be everywhere you want to be and bow to your command); The Grease Car War (Our intrepid reporter becomes a revolutionary on the green frontier as he goes in search of auto fuel that is clean, renewable and free, but also illegal: used fry grease). Interview: Chris Tucker

Pictorials: Small-Town Triplets (The Satterfield sisters perfectly illustrate why three's company); Playmate: Tamara Sky (In the club and on the beach, this turntable goddess turns the beat‹and heads--around); La Belle Beauvais (Take a fantasy cruise with screen siren Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon).

Item #: 818226 ISBN: 7099235270808

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