Forgotten Realms The Legend Of Drizzt Vol 11 The Silent Blade HC - Midtown Comics
Forgotten Realms The Legend Of Drizzt Vol 11 The Silent Blade HC
Forgotten Realms The Legend Of Drizzt Vol 11 The Silent Blade HC

Forgotten Realms The Legend Of Drizzt Vol 11 The Silent Blade HC

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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When the vile Crystal Shard once again reveals itself, Drizzt must race against his most formidable enemies in hopes of destroying it before it finds the one being that can help it enslave the world: a dark elf named Jarlaxle. With the aid of the clerics of the Spirit Soaring Drizzt hopes not only to keep Crenshinibon away from Jarlaxle, but to finally destroy it once and for all. But something as powerful as the Crystal Shard won't be destroyed without a fight.

Item #: 818771

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