Ultimate Iron Man II #1 Incentive Gabriel Dell Otto Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Ultimate Iron Man II #1

Incentive Gabriel Dell Otto Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"The untold origin of Iron Man continues – written by international best-selling author Orson Scott Card! When last we saw him, young Tony Stark was nearly blown to bits. How much of him survived his initial Iron Man trial run – and where does the young genius go from here? Plus: How does James Rhodes fit into Tony’s plans for the perfect fighting machine? Four-time Hugo Award-winner, two-time Nebula Award-winner and World Fantasy Award-winner Orson Scott Card (author of Ender’s Game) returns to the Ultimate Universe, now joined by Ultimate Fantastic Four’s Pasqual Ferry!"

Item #: 835547 Diamond code: OCT072071

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