Crikey Magazine #3 - Midtown Comics
Crikey Magazine #3
Crikey Magazine #3

Crikey Magazine #3

Crikey Magazine #3

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


"No matter what your particular — or peculiar — taste, British comics has something of interest for you concealed under its many covers. A planeload of schoolgirl ballerinas crash-land on a mountain side and keeping in their ballet practice just in case they get rescued in time for the grand dance off? A town way out West which has just elected a large ape as their sheriff? A New York King of Crime out to stop all criminals so he can be Number One in a field of one? A daring adventurer with a life-protecting eye around his neck out to set the world to rights? Kids from outer space, time-travelling weirdos, talking pets, freakish football players, robot spies, historical adventurers, detective school-girls — British comics has the lot! (Sequential Media) (C: 0-1-2)"

Item #: 957523 Diamond code: DEC074053

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