Angel After The Fall #6 Cover C Incentive Photo Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Angel After The Fall #6

Cover C Incentive Photo Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


"First Night begins! What happened on the very night Los Angeles went straight to hell, the incident that ended the Angel television series with such a shocking cliffhanger? Why did the team go their separate ways? And how did Connor rise up to become one of Hell’s greatest champions? This first issue of a two-part series-within-a-series has the answers you’ve been waiting for! By Joss Whedon, Brian Lynch and a host of comic’s greatest artists, including John Byrne, Sean Galloway, David Messina, and more! 2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio."

Item #: 959165 Diamond code: FEB083848

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