Invincible Iron Man #1 Cover B 1st Ptg Regular Joe Quesada Cover - Midtown Comics

Invincible Iron Man #1

Cover B 1st Ptg Regular Joe Quesada Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"A bold new ONGOING TITLE for the biggest hero of 2008! IRON MAN! You know you love him! And as the summer’s most anticipated movie boot-jets its way into theaters, here’s the perfect jumping-on point for new readers and Iron Man fans alike! Tony Stark – Iron Man, billionaire industrialist and director of S.H.I.E.L.D. – faces the most overwhelming challenge of his life. Ezekiel Stane, the son of Tony’s late business rival and archenemy Obadiah, has set his sights, his genius and his considerable fortune on the task of destroying Tony Stark and Iron Man. What’s worse, he’s got Iron Man tech, and he’s every bit Iron Man’s equal and opposite…except younger, faster, smarter…and immeasurably evil. Rising star writer Matt Fraction (IMMORTAL IRON FIST) and superstar artist Salvador Larroca (UNCANNY X-MEN) join forces to repulsor-ray your comic books to a cinder!"

Item #: 964122 Diamond code: MAR082185

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