Aspen Showcase Aspen Matthews #1 Ale Garza Cvr - Midtown Comics

Aspen Showcase Aspen Matthews #1

Ale Garza Cvr

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Aspen's newest anthology series, Aspen Showcase, combines some of today’s finest creators with several of comics best loved properties. Reunions abound in this very special one-shot as artist Talent Caldwell dives back into the Aspen universe to take on its flagship character, Aspen Matthews! Battling the Blue and saving the world are hardly any challenge compared to the troubling life of high school adolescence! Acclaimed writer C. B. Cebulski takes us on a journey back to Aspen’s childhood as she attends her high school reunion and runs into some very ‘special’ friends from her past, reminding her of a few ‘special’ memories as well! Aspen Matthews #1 will ship with two different covers by artist Talent Caldwell and upcoming Fathom Volume 3 artist, Ale Garza."

Item #: 970590 Diamond code: APR083573

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