Ninja High School #162 - Midtown Comics

Ninja High School #162

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"A massive magical spell gone awry has turned Quagmire into a wannabe fantasy RPG set, complete with armored catgirls, riding ostriches, trap-strewn households, and fire-breathing... uh, everything! Sounds like a role-player's dream come true — or is it part of a sinister plot? The few remaining Kitsune are now free to roam in their true forms, but the disruption has called in their destroyer, the White Tiger Byakko. Super-A.I. killer android Chrissy is now human and free to be in love with her friend Arthur, but her transformation could destroy the world! On top of that, the semi-psychotic Meppy's free to wreak as much havoc as she likes — and that can't be good, can it?"

Item #: 975775 Diamond code: APR083542

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