Kick-Ass #4 Cover A 1st Ptg - Midtown Comics

Kick-Ass #4

Cover A 1st Ptg

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"The most exciting new character of the year debuts as Hit-Girl slashes her way into the pages of Kick-Ass. She’s nine years old, loves Hello Kitty and could rip out your windpipe before you even get a chance to plead for mercy. But where did she come from? And who is Big Daddy? Plus, Kick-Ass starts to find out what happens when you tick off the real-world criminals who have ignored him until now. Things turn ugly and that can mean only one thing...God, this comic is so good I could cry. And I'm very butch. "

Item #: 980553 Diamond code: MAR082250

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