After 9/11 Americas War On Terror SC - Midtown Comics
After 9/11 Americas War On Terror SC
After 9/11 Americas War On Terror SC

After 9/11 Americas War On Terror SC

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Having made The 9/11 Commission Report explicable to everyone, the award-winning, bestselling graphic novel team of Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colón use all of their considerable talents to explain the post-9/11 world. Working from news reports drawn from multiple international media, Jacobson and Colón depict in real time the critical events, decision makers, and consequences of America's “war on terror,” and, most important, the context in which it began, unfolded, and unraveled. The most demanding story they have ever tackled, After 9/11 is also the most tailor-made for their medium, capturing simultaneous events, geographic complexity, numerous participants, and a vast array of economic, statistical, and quantitative information—compellingly told through the sequential panel art narrative form unique to graphic books. Proving yet again that graphic novels best meet the challenge of giving the most information with the least amount of ink, Jacobson and Colón answer with clarity and celerity: How the hell did we end up where we are?

Item #: 980707 ISBN: 9780809023707

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