Gold Digger #101 - Midtown Comics

Gold Digger #101

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"New look! New beginning! New characters! New adventures! Everything is all-new starting with this issue! If you've ever thought about reading Gold Digger, this is the jumping-on point you've been waiting for! A wonder of the ancient world is discovered in the Sonoran Desert of Baja California — an entire city, buried and chained to the very bedrock of the desert's floor, straining eternally to return to the skies it once called home. Professor Gina Diggers — archaeologist, super-scientist, and adventurer — is all too delighted to share this discovery with her students from Georgia State University. It means an expedition of extraordinary magnitude and all on a scholarship's dime — or at least that's what Elroy and Kylie, two of Professor Diggers's brightest and most adventurous (i.e., stupid) students believe when they sneak off to explore on their own. When the twin thrill-seekers scramble back to camp with the Phantom Emperor of the chained citadel hot on their heels, it's up to Professor Diggers to prevent its seven tongues from completing a curse that will call forth the umbral horror of the First Age of Chaos. Thankfully, the odds are abruptly evened by the sudden appearance of a were-cheetah-Gina's little sister Britanny, fresh from a three-year world shopping mall expedition!"

Item #: 997804 Diamond code: SEP083701

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