Uncanny X-Men #505 Cover A Regular Terry Dodson Cover (X-Men Manifest Destiny Tie-In) - Midtown Comics

Uncanny X-Men #505

Cover A Regular Terry Dodson Cover (X-Men Manifest Destiny Tie-In)

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40% OFF

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


"Colossus continues his quest to ease the pain of losing Kitty Pryde--and it brings him face-to-face with some evil from the Old Country, run amok on the streets of San Francisco. Elsewhere, the shockwaves caused by Simon Trask's press conference continue to ripple, making anti-mutant hysteria hit a fever pitch. And as Angel and Beast continue to assemble the Fringe Science Team in the far north of Canada, Storm demands an audience with Emma Frost, queen to queen..."

Item #: 998865 Diamond code: OCT082461

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